Wet Ink: the magazine of new writing
Issues 1 to 27
Dominique Wilson [with Phillip Edmonds – eds]
Wet Ink Inc: 2005-2012
ISSN: 1832-682X
Wet Ink was an Australian magazine devoted to showcasing Australian writing, publishing both new and established writers. Published quarterly, it featured fiction, poetry and non-fiction, plus an author interview and several book reviews in each issue. Work published ranged from literary to genre-based, and each piece was complemented by a photograph or illustration.
In March 2010 Wet Ink announced the creation of the ‘Wet Ink Short Story Prize’ to mark its five years of publication. In 2011, following funding from the Copyright Agency Ltd Cultural Fund, the value of prizes were increased and the prize renamed the ‘Wet Ink/CAL Short Story Prize’.
In 2012, Dominique Wilson, its founding Managing Editor, resigned after publishing 27 issues.
Shortly after publishing Issue 28, Wet Ink announced it was closing down, with issue 28 – its only online issue – being its last publication. #literaryjournal #shortstory #shortstorymagazine